(510) 545-2161 [email protected]

part-time bookkeeping assistant needed

I am looking to hire a part-time bookkeeping assistant.  Note: this is only a part-time position – approx. 16 hours per week, potentially for a long period of time.  Candidate should already have basic knowledge of debits and credits, and be able to use the...

Iphone apps for small businesses:

http://www.techradar.com/us/news/world-of-tech/roundup/10-best-small-business-iphone-apps-1074101 In addition some of my favorites: kindle, google drive, googlemaps, expensify   1/ TripIt The TripIt app helps road warriors manage their trip itineraries all from one...

Yes! Get tough on fraud

The Best Way to Cut Government Spending: Get Really Tough on Fraud As America slides toward the fiscal cliff, both sides are debating ways to reduce the deficit in 2013 and also over the longer term. President Obama’s proposed budget for 2013 called for total deficit...